Welcome to the Deliberative Forum on Transport

Participant Website. This page has been edited to remove personal and identifying information of participants.
Michael Hale

Michael Hale

Public health medicine specialist,
Auckland DHB

Dr Michael Hale is a public health medicine specialist at Auckland Regional Public Health Service where he is the clinical lead for nutrition, physical activity promotion, healthy urban form and pertussis. He is part of the Healthy Auckland Together coalition which is changing our city so it is easy for our people to eat well and be active. Michael has had over 14 years’ experience in the public health sector, including roles in the Heart Foundation, the National Screening Unit and the Health Quality and Safety Commission. Michael is interested is how urban and transport planning can improve wellbeing in our neighbourhoods and how we can reduce the promotion and availability of unhealthy food in favour of nutritious food.

Michael’s slides:

Koi Tū “Deliberative forum on the future of transport in Auckland” & Dr Michael Hale “Transport and public health”

About Koi Tū

Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures is an independent, transdisciplinary think tank and research centre at the University of Auckland.

We generate knowledge and analysis to address critical long-term national and global issues challenging our future.



Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures
The University of Auckland
Level 7, Building 804, 18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Central 1010
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